Monday, August 2, 2010

"Muscle for Rank"

Quick note on this morning's run:

Comparable to the last 45 min run, with a five minute walk prior, I ran with a HR avg of 172 bpm, at an average pace of 6.4 mph overall, and completing 3.43 miles of distance.  I ran the first 10 min at a 5.4 mile pace and then started the intervals when my heart rate got too high.  I may have to attempt a heart rate program on the Technogym key to monitor my heart rate training without having to keep such a close eye on it myself.  I will have to ask my superiors about that tomorrow.  Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are doing better and better. I am healing up quite nicely myself. I hadn't checked this in awhile and figured I would send a comment out after so many new posts. I can't understand how anyone likes running but more power to you if you can do it. I'd just like to say that I am still amazed at how many people you inspire on and to keep up the work. I will continue praying for you.
