Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Something In Her Eyes Like A Spell"

Chaka's "Tease Me" isn't really the appropriate song, but it sure is a fun song!  Pandora introduced us one evening as I was uploading my photos from the vacation a nice young man took me on.  So, that is where Sara has been and where Sara's mind has yet to leave from!  What an amazing experience it was, and even better was the company I had.  But, for two weeks now, it's been back to work and back to, at least more controlled than before the trip, chaos. 

Here's a treasure of a picture that appeared after a downhill hike through the woods.

And, the sunsets... priceless!

I miss the warm arms that held me at night during this trip; I won't deny it.  I've been watching the moon since I got back like it might fall out of the sky at any moment and I'm the one who has to catch it.  Since I've been back I've kept myself rather distracted, slipping back into the life I left.  But, I have more motivation to get going on some things that I hadn't before.  Having a birthday yesterday helps to put a fire under me.  There's a lot to get done and no time to waste!

Unfortunately today, I wanted to start my day with a ride on the stationary bike, but it wasn't too responsive.  I still cycled regardless, but it would be nice if the digital screen displayed how long or how far I was going.  A girlfriend of mine has this great method of getting things done that I'm going to have to try here in a short bit today of working ten minutes then being rewarded with ten minutes.  I've got some things that need attention and a desire to get some more cycling in!

Cycling isn't the only thing on my list.  I took some return items back to a store today and came home with a clearanced, unreturnable, one piece bathing suit that could be used for work, but it exists as a force to get my rear in the pool.  I have some swimming to work on.  This will be the bigger battle of them all.  Running is on the list too with a turkey day race ahead of me.  I still want to get back into my training soon, so perhaps getting back here for visits will keep me on the way to completing some goals.

Here we go... ten minutes...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"The Moon Is The Only Light We'll See"

My mind is all over the place this week.  I had an amazing trip with a young man within the last few weeks, and I've been almost completely caffeine free since I left for the vacation.  My body is screaming into relaxation.  Ha.  I'm through thirteen days, and I finally feel like it is getting easier.  Unfortunately, I haven't felt too motivated to workout yet, though that is going to have to change!  I have a lot of work to do, and caffeine would be a great boost to get it all done.  But, I can't and won't.  Mental clarity will have to find it's own way back to me.  [Laughing.]

It's good to be able to sleep, AND NAP, again!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"It's Never Too Late to Start Living"

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” by Marianne Williamson

I wasn't feeling too great last night, but better last night than next weekend.  I sat in front of the television watching Michigan barely win their football game and then later watched the ending of August Rush and the beginning of Akeelah and the Bee, from where I first heard the quote above.  I was tired, and still, it hit me upside the head harder than Grand Rapids' ArtPrize.  This last week has been tough with more hours than I've been used to at work, more hours spent with family and friends, and even more hours not sleeping.  My caffeine intake went skyrocketing again.  And now, I am battling this cold.  But, it is better that I have it now rather than at the end of this week when I have vacation written all over my schedule.

I should have interviews written all over my schedule though.  It's the tough part with being booked and feeling run down; I don't seem to apply myself with the skills I have like I should.  I still put forth a full work day, but I'm simply running myself in circles not getting very far.  And this, I know I need to change.  Hearing that quote hit me with that reminder that has been coming from many sources lately.  But still, my body screams rest!  My mind screams rest!  I know I need to take some time away from my craziness and relax and develop Sara back up.  I'm heading in the right direction.