Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"It's RIDE or die!"

Welcome back!  ...That's how I feel!  I have so much excitement right now in my life!

God's been doing amazing things in my life this week.  With work I feel like I finally am getting a foot in the door, or maybe at least a toe.  In relation to family, I had an unexpected visitor Monday at work that opened my eyes wide with a curiosity and interest I have not had for quite some time in this Michigan world of mine.  And, running into a familiar 'Gator' led me straight into a conversation about my faith.

Enter "One Quantum Leap At A Time."

I've needed at break at work; I've just wanted someone to understand how far I've come in three years and give me a chance.  I haven't had the best of times there.  I haven't had my interests focused while finishing college.  I've been stressed juggling it all, trying to keep everyone happy except myself.  Now that I've nursed myself back to feeling well, I feel that desire again that I've lost over the long months... several dozen of them.

Months working on the fitness piece.

There's really no understanding to the fight I've had to maintain to not walk out away from my dreams, and I except complete fault for getting caught up in finishing college rather than developing my career.  I'm at that point where I've had enough, and it's either all or nothing.  Well, I finally got something; my toe caught in the door I've been wanting to enter.  A new battle begins, I know, to fit one more thing in my crazy schedule.  But, this is the ticket; this is my 'in.'  No understanding comes from the ones who I want it from, but it's now that I can prove myself to the ones who can help make my dreams a reality.

Reality.  Enter family.

My unexpected visitor came up to me with what might as well have been beaming lights down upon her.  She glowed with excitement, and I was attracted to it.  That's when she asked if I were... she said my name!  Sure am THAT GAL!  She then asked if I was the daughter of... she said my dad's name.  [Oh how I miss him.]  Soon enough we were a conversation that played like a racquetball game.  Apparently a cousin to my father, I was absorbed in every word this woman had to say, in every question she asked.  She said my grandmother's name.  [Oh how I miss her.]  And when this magnificent woman had to leave, I wanted her to stay so we could continue to share conversation, build a bond, and reunite corners of our family in my brain that I am still unaware of at this point in life.  I was touched, and the rest of the day I felt some of her beam in every one of my smiles.

Beam.  Rays of light.  Enter faith.

I've had my share of close friends who have studied the Bible most of their lives.  I'm not one who likes to be told what to do and especially what to believe.  I have my faith in a God, and I don't want to be preached to by acquaintances.  But, I ran into Steve 'Gator.'  This guy is amazing.  First of all, anyone who is near twice my age and recognizes and personally, verbally compliments me on my muscular figure while I'm at my 'office job' and engages in conversation with me about fitness instantly wins my attention.  Not seeing 'Gator' in months and then recognizing his face and direct eye contact left us in one LONG conversation that dropped me right into being talked to about my religious involvement.

Enter the body of Sara.

I burn my candle at both ends.  I work myself ridiculously hard for having been a student in college for eight years.  I feel like I may have wasted a lot of time and money and now torture myself to pay my debts, but this makes me who I am today.  My dad was the best role model I had, and he worked himself to death.  I remember days he would come home from work and just lie out on the porch step.  I wish it weren't winter, because I would love to go back there right now and just lie on that same porch step.  I would like to rest this burnt out candle.

If it weren't for Drew spoiling with flowers repeatedly, I don't know if I would ever stop to smell them.  I have been living to work and not working to live.  This is why that first step in the door is so important, even if it means I have to wedge my big toe in first.  This is why the reminder of family, and those who have NEVER turned their back on me when other family members have, is so important.  This is why bringing me back to "faith as the backbone of the manner I live" is so important.  It is at this time, when my health is good, my relationships are great, and my faith is present that my spirit feels alive and knows that May flowers are on their way.

Now is the season for April showers.

Lord, cleanse me of what I do not need, bring to life what has lied dormant, and renew my spirit in full.

"Come spark the parts in me that all but died/Jump start my heart and wake the sleeper inside" - lyrics from Toby Mac's song "Ignition" ... "It's RIDE or die!"

Comic for this weekend:  (Oh how I love Michigan weather!)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Your Arms Are Wrapped Around"

I am completely in love with Jars of Clay's song "Shelter" right now, since I heard it earlier for the first time on Way FM on the drive home from work.  It has such a warm, calming effect.  Unfortunately, I am unable to add it to the player below at this time.  Bummer.

More bummer: I was absolutely and horribly ill Sunday after my morning run.  Something hit me hard that morning.  Maybe I just didn't eat enough.  I went to the gym early and feeling great.  I ran a good five miles, of a planned eight, but I was hungry and needed to stop to eat.  I ate something and continued to run some errands.  I arrived back home with the plan to leave to my sister's.  Instead I cooked a meal, ate half, took a pain relief and took a nap.  Finished the meal upon waking, felt sick to my stomach, felt I had a fever, my head was killing me, and even the light hurt my eyes.  I went back to bed, slept until late into the evening, and woke up feeling fine.  I worked both jobs the next day, waking at 3:30 am and felt great all day.

Enter this week's comic:

[Have I mentioned how much I enjoy
Patrick McDonnell's Mutts comics?]

I'm feeling good today, at least in comparison to what I've dealt with!  I put myself back on the omeprazole, mostly as a precaution, to make sure I feel great when I fly out to Drew again.  I wish my body would stop beating me up.  But, I suppose it's fair treatment for all I've put my body through.  Ha.  This probably shouldn't surprise me; I just wish I could find a way to make it stop.

I still have more to say... a nap is needed though.  Until tomorrow...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

May I use David Crowder Band "Stars" ... again?

Sometimes, rarely but wonderfully, the things we want and the things we need and the things we have are all one and the same.  And still, there is much work to do!  I'm not done with this post.

I worked my eight hours today, laughed hard out loud, cried, laughed some more, and smiled a ton.  I'm not done with this post, but I am tired and need some rest.

And, "suddenly all is green."

Comic of the YEAR:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"We Are Not Infinite"

Today, as my brother is on his way back home from a short vacation, I am reminded by this storm my first accident that occurred while he was on vacation during a college spring break.  He was in sunny Florida, and I was out a car, was working the whole week and shoveling snow.  Here he is again, on vacation, missing all the action of a great storm.

I won't ever forget the spring break week of 2005.  I had a dream about my sister having a car accident before I woke up that morning.  She and I were going to look at apartments together, though she had still been asleep once I had called her later that morning.  But, before I called her, I took off to her place in the snowy weather.

I'm almost sure that "Gone" by Switchfoot had been playing when I got on the highway [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGNPS6-G3EY].  And, "gone" was the fate of the car I was driving, along with the cars of many others.  One man was killed who was from Minnesota, not even from Michigan.  Weather fronts had collided, snowy conditions left ZERO visibility, and black ice covered the highway.  Three separate spots of collisions, one southbound and two northbound were the result.  Nearly a hundred cars.  "Gone" may have been the fate of my car, but I didn't stop hearing for weeks how I must have had an angel on my side that day.

Where was my car?

I got thrown into the center area between the two highway roads, southbound on the left side of the picture and northbound on the right.  My car was stopped by some small trees, a lucky thing when more action was going on in the northbound.  I know I was hit hard from the back, but there was really no way of seeing or stopping.  It was like being sucked into a thick white cloud.  And, off I went sailing into the trees.

I pray that everyone is safe in crazy weather like this.  And, I've learned to give more attention to my dreams, or nightmares if you prefer.  Life is precious, and we never know how long we have.  With this accident of years ago, It doesn't bother me to look at it.  It's actually a great reminder of struggle and overcoming great challenge.

Another challenge: getting back into better health and fitness.  I've updated the Bodyspace page today.  This morning I took quick measurements, so I'm not so sure on the accuracy.  But, I know it's fairly close to where I am starting today.  And, it is about what I expected.  Not so much has changed by weight, but the body fat has gone up.  The numbers reveal the sad truth of exchange of muscle for fat over the long hard months.  It's time to exchange that back!

For some pictures of the weather that hit the nation hard this week:  CLICK HERE!

A comic for the day:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"It's Getting Cold In Here"

After shoveling crazy amounts of snow, cooking, plenty of cleaning, and bathing the dog, I took some time out for me.  I hit the weights at home, while I have been snowed in, and even fixed the cycling bike!  Woo!

I may not have the coolest home gym.  There are no rings, no climbing wall, no training board, no monkey bars, but maybe someday.  I've seen the setups, so I think the recreation into one giant home gym would be a riot.  For now, I have my essentials.  I have all I had when I was in my best shape.  I am motivated to get there again now.  Might as well start on the summer body right now anyway!

This is where I am at.  Gosh, it's scary to me!  My body took a real beating this last year.  I'm going to have to hit the weights hard this year, and, boy, is it in my plans!  Today's workout was a scattered mess, having been cooking dinner at the same time, having had Jake arrive to use the snowblower on the drive (Thank God!), and then getting back to it after I ate dinner and digested it a bit.  Regardless, during the process I managed also to fix the stationary bike that was on stop mode continuously.

The bike was a victim of my quick repairs, and I was glad it was rather simple.  [I don't recommend anyone buy this bike, but it still works.  So, I have yet to throw it out!]  After fixing it, I took advantage of it and took out my physical aggression on the rotating pedals for a quick thirty minutes.  Oh, to be back to some cardio interval training!  How good it was to sweat and then immediately after follow it up with some jump roping!  It was awesome.

I "fire[d] it up" today!  Still didn't get the list of 'things to do' done, but I had a shoveling and Sara time day.  It was a snow day for most of Michigan, so why shouldn't I have spent it as 'me time?'  It was well deserved!

Another Comic for Today [though more like 10 inches!] (Switching today's comics would probably be most appropriate!):

"Like Puzzle Pieces In Your Hand"

Today's Song: Red "Pieces"

"I'm here again."  Another friend surprised me the other morning.  One of my former running partners, from back when my gym was under a different name, came running at me Monday morning for a high five and a "I just wanted to say 'hi'" before running back to his workout partner.  Like the other few that came running in from out of no where after months or years of not speaking, why now?  Why all at once?

This running friend of mine and I have spoken in the last year, so updating him on Montana Man and my health was fairly easy.  I got advice I wasn't expecting and was told quite a few times to continue praying.  This may be the most religious friend I have who shows people he lives the way he believes.  And, it's probably what I needed that day, this week, this month, at the beginning of this year.  Old friendships are great because they remind me of who I have been and what I have made it through; they remind me how tough I am.

Enter in the workouts!  Today's workout looks like it will be shoveling:

Ally and I made a small dent in the shoveling before taking this picture.  The predictions were for 8 to 16 inches of snow, and we sure got it!  And, it is still snowing!  There is much to do, much to do yet!

I'm more interested though in applying to more job opportunities and working out in the basement.  I just made another batch of buckwheat groats to toss in my breakfast omelette this morning.  The gym is closed due to the inclement weather.  Stuck here at the house, I have no reason to not work at the list of things I have to do!  Stuck... literally!  Ha.  Ask for snow and you shall receive!