Sunday, May 17, 2009

Living the Good Life

Jesus "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!" (Philippians 2:7-8)

"We need to have Christ exaltation."

I finished reading this last week “In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do” by Charles Sheldon. It’s a great read that was written well before my time. If you would like to read it online or download a copy for yourself, it can be found here on Google Book Search:,M1

I highly recommend this book and suggest suggesting it to others! Why not when it can be done for free? It’s a challenging lifestyle the characters take on, asking in every situation “what would Jesus do?” I ask it myself in my life and know that I fail to measure up to my own beliefs of his standards. “The biggest room is the room for improvement!”

I am now reading John Piper’s “Don’t Waste Your Life,” which I picked up from my local library network. It is full of scripture and holds profound messages, but it is also a bit more of a challenge to follow. I’m not yet half way through, so I am sure it will pick up for me soon.

(I am a big follower of John Piper, Paul Washer, and theMill on iTunes podcasts; I would recommend listening to them all! And, if you have suggestions for me, please leave me a message hear with book, sermon, etc. recommendations.)

I’d like to get some conversations going on here, but as you can see my following is yet not that intense. I am planning on beginning the 90 day Bible challenge, and forms for the challenge can be printed here. It is suggested by the website to begin in June, but I think I will start a bit early to get a step ahead (since I am bound to fall behind). Check it out and let me know if you want to join in! It is another adventure I hope to get my roommates in on [I’ve got at least one on board with me]!

In other news, I have begun to workout again. I shall be getting back to updating photos on my Bodyspace very soon: It is an adventure I hope to get all of my housemates in on as well! Your body is a temple and therefore shall be kept in best health to be able to do the work of God! [Can I get an AMEN?]

The road may seem long, but it really is short! “No one gets out of this life alive,” at least not in the humanistic perception of it all. I have my hope in the Lord. “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Don’t waste your life! Stay strong and never lose faith!

Much love,

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