Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Update: I realize there are some restrictions on the comment box, so I will ask you all to join me here: I ask that you write in the request message box "Faith, Family, & Fitness" so I can add you without hesitation. There you can comment without much restriction. Also, adding me there will allow easy access to view updates via bulletins or blog posts! So, add me today, and dont forget to put "Faith, Family, & Fitness" in the message box! Much love and thanks for all of the support, Sara

Another update: Just added myself to the twitter community:

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“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Colossians 3:23).

Traffic is starting to pick up! This is exciting. Our 90 day Bible reading challenge begins June 1st, and I will do my best to update frequently as our group here reads through the Bible. You can pick up your own reading guide here [Bookmark (.pdf)]:

and read along with us! Even if you are not able to commit to the 90 days, the updates will be here and can be read as you read along on your own pace.

As we read along please leave your comments on what you’ve read. This will help teach, bring up further discussion, and bring out important scriptures.


I am finally on track again with my diet, training, and work! My vacation is over, the training has been good, and I have been eating more disciplined than I have for some time now. That also means that new pictures and stats will have to be included in my updates on Bodyspace. I will notify you all when I have made those postings.

I am still unpacking at my new place. I have already lived here a month, but I’ve been so busy that I still have a closet full of boxes! Hopefully I can get everything organized before June, so I can read without the distraction!

I pray that you all are doing well. Prayer requests are also welcome as comments here, and my group will add them to the list! Also, if I have been missing any BIG NEWS since I don’t watch television, someone please update me by leaving me a message here on this post! I will talk to you all soon!

Many thanks,



  1. Hey I think this is a great blog! I actually do have a prayer request..there's alot of history to it so I'll just say that out of 6 boys in our family 5 have been born without an immune system (I was the first :0) Anyway, the newest member is going to be born in September, and my sister and her husband have alot of decisions to make. So, you might keep him and them in your prayers. Thanks!

    Matt from Oklahoma

  2. Aww. Thanks Matt! I have high hopes for your sister and husband! They will be in my prayers! I hope this little man comes out well and healthy!

  3. Hi! Good job doing what our Lord and Savior commissioned os to do. "go out ninto all the world and preach the gospel"
