Thursday, March 25, 2010

"From the Sidelines..."

I'll have to make another update on the London/Barcelona adventure. It's late, and I told Mr. Incredible I would go to bed.

There is a peace with me tonight. After a good chat with Mr. Incredible tonight, I wonder if the stars are shining brightly. Some time alone talking with mother nature and to the stars would do me some good.

A part of me didnt come home from London. A chunk of my heart didnt make the first or second flight back to the States. Mr. Incredible, oh what you do to me. Like a lightning strike, the trip was over before my stomach caught up with the flight over. And during the trip when the time was almost up, a moment of redemption was found. I never wanted to stay in London more than I did in that moment.

I never thought I would fly on a plane by myself. "I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines" not pushing forward hard enough to make my own dreams come true. Mr. Incredible became the dream I'd "been waiting for" to "seep in through my blinds." And in the first few days of Barcelona when the road was rough, "I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind." But, I have the hardest time getting Mr. Incredible "off my mind." The timing was right to finally fly on a plane, at "this time."

Today's Song: "This Time" by Jonathan Rhys Meyers

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