Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God's Got His Hand On Me

Song for today: "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets

Now is the perfect time for me to write.  My mind is clear.  My blood is flowing.  My thoughts are brewing.  I have so much going on mentally.

Years ago I turned down a job with Health Motion in Rockford after having already been in the Health Motion downtown shadowing.  I had gone back to school, and I even remember taking the call while I was walking to the science building at the college.  I was so excited, but I also couldn't pull the hours that they were giving me the opportunity to take; my plate was full at that time.  It may be time to get back in there.

There's been a lot more prayer in the last year than what I am used to.  Drew's call tonight was an answered prayer.  It was at a perfect time having just finished my research online and had my previously purchased and never really read textbook on manual (massage) therapy.  His statement on how if I were to get into another direction for a few years and then fall back into the thought of going to college for physical therapy hit a parallel with my own thoughts.  Why not just do it now?  Why not make that your direction now?  I know there will be plenty more prayer time ahead of me.

I feel like I've forgotten what its like to be a student, and I'm enjoying finally being able to enjoy some time away from working 24-7 and not feeling like I'm getting anywhere with me, with working on who I am and where I am headed both with my career and physically.  I look at all that I've been through and what still is possible... and what people have said about me, my personality and work ethic(!), and I get excited!  Still, my brain hurts just contemplating what all has to be done!  This begins the 'one step at a time' mentality!

Now, all I'm thinking is how I can prepare myself over the next year or two to make it into the program and survive the program both with the prerequisites and financially.  It's number crunching time!

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