Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Temptation and Family

"An Ode To Maybe"  ... It brings back my younger years like nothing else.

Training is going well.  I am getting back to the weights, but I am also staying consistent with the running.  I'm excited the direction this body I'm in is going.  Especially since I may only have one or two more doctor visits this year before they clear me of the crud I've been dealing with.  I'm off ALL medications this week.  I'm hoping the pain stays at a minimum.  I've been getting by really well.

My extended family has been amazing to me this past week, and I am so grateful!  I keep running into more and more familiar faces, and the love they extend out to me in response to recent events is amazing.  Losing my dad, to a bummer Europe trip, to seriously ill, to a bummer Oregon trip... A bit more theanine in my diet and I am good to go!

Oregon was interesting.  It was the complete opposite of my European adventure, and it was far too much driving.  The first two days were the best.  The last couple were really tough.  Walking around the park in Bend was pretty, but I felt eaten alive in conversation.  And, when the tears started to fall, I was ready to leave that day.  But, things got better that night with the run, and I guess I'm really just glad I made it out feeling good.  It could've been a lot worse; I could have gotten sick.  I know I felt really dizzy that last day.  I hope skipping a meal was the cause.  I can't worry about it; I survived.

Temptation.  I need my best pal.  The one I pushed back when I met Drew, hoping he'd be it.  I need my laughing buddy.  I need my law-breaking, crazy-talking, van-driving, cycle-correcting, Spanish-speaking, gypsy friend.  I need my [using my best movie announcing voice] "the Separator" hero.  I need our laughs and great company.  I miss the many laughs of high quality realness!  Bring 'em!  I need my friend back!

I'm outta here.  I have work to do!

1 comment:

  1. Great post keep it up. Thanks
