Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Perfect Timing"

I've been feeling burnt out lately.  Despite recently mentioning how I am loving my job more and more, I am in the busiest time of year and am having a hard time keeping up with all of the changes.  It's nothing new; it happens every year.  Still, in my position, the weight on my shoulders is heavy, and I would like to be able to have a clean desk again.  The last two mornings I went in at 6 am to have some quiet time to get some important things caught up.  I am going to try to only work a half day tomorrow, so I can relax before my evening college class exam.

I know my class is draining me, as I have not been adequately spending time outside of class to study the material.  It's only one of many things I am trying to juggle in my mind, though,  and it hasn't been anywhere near the top of my priority list.  I am concerned about the first exam I have tomorrow.  I know that the material only becomes more complex from here.  I may have to cancel my fall drive up north to study.  But, I feel that finding a quiet place to study away from my normal distractions may be more beneficial than my staying home to study; I'm not as motivated to study when there are so many other things that I'd rather give my attention to at home.

This last weekend, I had a visitor in town who received all my attention.  Who knew how quickly a year could pass and then just a week almost on a whim could have a friend from far away sharing the weekend with me.  I believe my friend and I had "perfect timing" in making this last weekend work, and I can only hope that this "perfect timing" continues into the future.

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