Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"My Heart Pumps Diesel"

So, driving this time of the year isn't my favorite thing to do.  Road repair work seems to happen all at once, everywhere.  Not only did I hit a few places earlier in the week that drove me nuts, but today I did both on the way to work and the way home.  A near ten minute stop just outside of Sparta after work drove me mad!  So, I took the country roads home after that and avoided the main roads.  Priceless,... until I found myself behind a tracker.  Hilarious!  I couldn't win today even if I wanted to.  [Laughing]  I won't be leaving this house again tonight as long as I don't have to!

The good news for today: I feel nearly caught up with everything, especially now that I have finished, finally, the book "Born to Run."  I'm sure I'll report back about bits of it later.  The ending wasn't what I expected, but it was alright.  It was a nice story with interesting thoughts and reminders of long runs.  I could use a long run in my near future.


  1. I forgot to mention in here that when I stopped for gas in Sparta, for some reason I pulled up to the wrong side of the pump for my gas tank. I don't believe any car I have ever owned has had the tank on the passenger side of the car. Why did I do it? That beats me, but I did it and like a natural! ;) [Laughing again] It was certainly one of those days.

  2. Sounds like everything is going well for you. You sound healthier and happier. Good song choice. God is good always but sometimes its easier to see. I am happy to report that I am actually lifting again and putting weight back on. Anyways, good luck with the move. I am ready to be at a residence for more than a couple years myself.
