Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm behind in my updating!  I moved on Saturday and went out on a roadtrip during Sunday, so I'm still getting settled and working my way through the week!  Most of what my excitedment came from was my reading of "Born to Run" which I am still finishing. But, I'll have to get to my book review later.  In other news, I'm not sure why when I check in now it comes up as Houston, Texas; I did not move to Texas, lol.

Friday I went to the park where I attempted to read for an hour or so, and I ended up running through the sand volleyball court for some training.  It was completely unplanned, but the perfect crispness in the air and the beautiful sky and healthy green grass surrounding me, with even duckies in the pond, I couldn't resist.  So, there I was running in circles, BAREFOOT, in the sand.  Oh, how it felt so good!

Unfortunately, I was a bit sore the next day as I was carrying boxes down several stairs, but at least it was all down stairs!  The move is a bit surreal, as it seems every time I move.  I'm really good at doing this at least once a year, so we'll see what happens in the future.  Rockford has potential work advances for me, but anything is possible.  A couple months down the road, I am sure I will be much closer to knowing what is coming next in this little life of mine.  For now, I'm getting used to a new shower, different paths through the dark in the house, different lightswitch placements, noises, etc.

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