Sunday, January 23, 2011

Be Aware of Her Smile

Song for Today: Brandon Heath's "Give Me Your Eyes."

I should be in bed already, but at least tomorrow is a short day of work.  Speaking of work, even with my mini vacation, I am still averaging 36 hours of work a week.  That number would have been 39 if I hadn't had some hours covered upon my return from Montana so I could relax a bit and not kill myself upon my return home.  [And, it would have been 42hrs/wk average had I not taken the mini vacation.]  Even better, those numbers do not include the hours lost between jobs and driving time.  Living further from work than I have been used to in the last three years 'throws a wrench' into my days, especially when snow can cause the trip (one-way) to be a full hour long.  I love my work, but I could use a bit more rest!

Today, after a busy morning at work, I finally found the art supplies I have been looking to find for months.  Finding them does not guarantee that I'll ever actually finish or even touch with paint again the last project I started, but the chances that I do certainly just got better.  I wasn't planning on getting back into the artist that exists deep within me, but it may be a bit of what I need this year.  Painting allows me to get completely absorbed in something and forget the world around me; it helps to me to come to a calm.

Last year is still killing; another lab bill came in the mail for the scan services I had in November.  I felt beaten when I opened it and saw the numbers.  Defeated.  Finished.  Game over.  I surrender.  It's as though just when I felt back on top of EVERYTHING, something just whacked me hard in the back of the head.  It's a good thing I am strong, and an even better thing that I took my health into my own hands and didn't go back to the doctor's office.  It's the pill pushing doctors that kill.

Speaking of taking my health into my own hands, I did the grocery shopping 'event' today and cooked up a few treats.  I'm trying to determine how I'm going to keep from sending my entire financial plan out the window without picking up five dozen more extra hours at work, so I'm going to do my best to live off what I brought home today through the month of February.  Of course, there will have to be fresh produce exceptions, but this will be a nice test for me.  Another test is to determine whether or not I like the seasoned white chickpeas I made to snack on while at work tomorrow.  I also made some boiled eggs for a quick grab protein for my next couple early mornings at the health club.  I'll have to make a decent portion of chia as well to keep up my energy at work.

I've been devoting my energy outside of work to sorting and reorganizing.  I brought home today several boxes that I had stored at my mother's.  I'm hoping to have everything all together here, so I can scale down on my possessions.  I cleaned out my kitchen cupboard and pantry shelf today.  Some items shall go onto in the next few days and other items donated.  Tomorrow I shall bring home the chess table.  The stools are the best to have around for some good cardio work! Ha!  Maybe I can put the set in the other room.  Despite needing to be resurfaced, it is one of the few things I don't know if I can part with just yet.

In other news, I'm still trying to determine more specifically this year's goals.  To run long distances, or to run shorter distances?  To move to Montana, or to advance in work in Michigan?  To swim or still sink?  It is in moments like this that I wish I had listened to my boss three years ago and just stuck with my old degree program and saved all the time and money I sometimes feel like I have wasted.  But, then I remember how far I've come since then.

And, I have so much going on in my mind right now.  I could type all night.  Earlier I was listening to a couple old sermons from the last church I have attended.  Similar messages were presented, and my interest in going back to church wasn't helped through them.  A friend stopped by at work this morning and presented the option of going to a new church.  I've decided to stick with Christian music for as long as I can stand to present with my posts.  I'm tired and exhausted, but I'm thrilled with life, respected, and am loved by the community.  I need to advance in my work.  I'm still hitting a wall.

Cartoon for the day:

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