Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bring on the New Year!

Happy soon to be new year!  If you know me well, you know I get excited over the little things like Beth jumping up and down waving every time I see her, Mounds candy surprises at work from my regular 'Fat-Rat,' the unexpected hug or touch to the hand from older women at work, and especially the unexpected headbutt from the dog.  I LOVE smiles from strangers, when the members at the gym wave at me before I can wave at them, and the look on my brother's face everytime I make a joke about him to his girlfriend.  I simply light up from the little things in life.

Today my small joys have come from realizations about my health in an unexpected place.  I've been rather absorbed in reading today and am quite glad I have!  I've had my face pretty much jammed in Jackie Warner's "This Is Why You're Fat" book since I got home and woke from my nap.  It's a great read so far, and I'm not even a fourth of the way through it!

This weekend my cousin and I were discussing thyroid problems.  (Imagine that kind of conversation during a Christmas party with kids screaming all around the room.)  Both of us felt that it has been part of the problems that we've, separately, have experienced in the last year.  Warner's book addresses the stress issues on the thyroid as well as the adrenal glands, and I'm going "yup, yup, yup" as I'm reading.  Unfortunately, the severity that my cousin and I have both had along with the likeness of our doctor's both lacking the knowledge to say "duh" or even suggest such a relationship of symptoms absolutely shocks me.  So, I am currently LOVING this book!

Even better, Jackie lists some of the natural "medicine" supplements that are available to help our bodies heal themselves.  Finally, here is someone who is anti Big Pharma who also understands that proper nutrition and not man-made chemical drugs are the way to go.  This woman is amazing!  I know too that somewhere in the book she talks about chemicals that should be avoided in products that we may use on a daily that could cause cancer, which excites me just as much.  We are the killers of our own people, and natural is the way I prefer to live.


My brother just left to have dinner with someone I used to date.  It's funny that they're like best buddies, and I sure am glad because they're both great kids.  But, it was in this moment that I realize how happy I am that I'm smart enough to not settle!  I'm so excited that my mountain friend is so excited about me, because I am perfectly happy and excited to see what may come!  (I know you read this.)


Happy holidays to you all!  I've got dinner to finish, clothes to put away, and some more Christmas to clean up, so I am outta here!  See you all soon!

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